Today we woke up at Punta Pitt, in the northeast part of San Cristobal Island. This island, being one of the oldest of the Galapagos, gave us the chance to appreciate and compare the landscape with the newest island of Fernandina that we visited a few days ago.

In the morning, we went for a natural history walk where we could observe the third species of booby that we can find in Galapagos, the red-footed booby. We could also observe a few blue-footed boobies nesting and mating. We ended this walk with a refreshing swim in an olivine sandy beach where we could enjoy the last snorkeling of this trip.

In the afternoon, we disembarked on one of the most beautiful sandy beaches in Galapagos, Cerro Brujo, where guests enjoyed walking and swimming. We finished our day with a breathtaking navigation around Kicker Rock where we could also enjoy the last sunset of this amazing week.