We have had a great time on this week’s expedition around the magical Galápagos archipelago, surrounded by the intrinsic beauty of the volcanic landscapes and the ecological naiveté of the islands’ wildlife.

This morning with San Cristobal Island in the horizon, I woke up in high spirits and eager to explore and explain all the marvels of this remote paradise.  We started the day with an invigorating but fulfilling hike to the summit of a volcanic plateau at an area known as Punta Pitt.  During the first part of the hike to the plateau, we climbed up a very old eroded ridge. Once at the top, we enjoyed an astonishing view, and we realized why this hike is worth the effort of every single step. Further along the trail, we admired the dreamlike volcanic scape, with large patches of a couple of endemic plants, including the bright red carpetweed (Sesuvium spp) and green patches of Nolana (Nolana galapagensis). These are both succulent plants which bright colors that create a stark contrast with the golden and brown of the surrounding terrain. Several red-footed boobies were seen nesting and flying around as well.

As an alternative for those who did not want to take part in the hike, we had the option to go for Zodiac rides instead. Many seabirds were seen together with Galapagos sea lions on the volcanic rocky outcrops of the coastline and surrounding islets.  After the hikes and Zodiac rides, we had the chance to go in the water for a refreshing swim, or just to spend some time on the beach relaxing or sunbathing. The endemic San Cristobal lava lizards and San Cristobal Mockingbirds, Darwin finches and Galapagos sea lions were seen everywhere today!

During lunch, we sailed towards a magnificent offshore eroded volcanic tuff cone is located on the western coast of San Cristobal Island. This famous volcanic formation is known as “Leon Dormido”, and also by its English name, “Kicker Rock”. This rocky outcrop is one the best known volcanic trademarks of the Galapagos. Snorkeling in this location was spectacular. It was unusually calm today, giving our enthusiastic guests a wonderful experience. As soon as they jumped in the water they encountered many fish species, including some few hammerhead sharks that added a dose of adventurous adrenaline to this successful outing.

Late in the evening, once all the snorkelers were back on board, we enjoyed a beautiful late afternoon on the foredeck of the ship while circumnavigating Kicker Rock. The party in this idyllical location was a golden finale for our expedition around the world famous Galapagos Islands.