We arrived today to Cristobal Island, to a place called Punta Pitt. San Cristobal is the political capital of the Galapagos Islands and the most eastern island we visit during the trip. On the northern part of the island, million year-old lava flows form the landscape. Also located here are multiple tuff cones that have been severely eroded by rain and wind. This is the place where we landed in the morning. The day was windy and sunny, so we had a great time hiking to the summit of a long canyon before we reached the shore. We saw beautiful birds in hues of red and we met a couple of nesting blue footed boobies as well. Our morning ended on the beach, with a wonderful sea lion swim.

After lunch, we navigated from the center of the island to an islet named Leon Dormindo. This is also a volcanic tuff cone located in the middle of the sea. Different species of tropical fish are found here and some pelagic animals as well. Our goal was finding sharks and turtles during our final snorkeling, and we did! Our last activity was a circumnavigation around Leon Dormido, with a cocktail cup in our hands and great smiles on our faces.  Our last day in paradise…