In the early hours of the day, we arrived to San Cristobal Island, in the southeastern realm of the Galapagos archipelago. This island is one of the oldest in the archipelago, and today we explored a site on its easternmost point.

After breakfast, we landed on a green olivine beach and headed to the top of Punta Pitt, where we hoped to find red-footed boobies. Our efforts were rewarded, and we were lucky to spot not only red-footed boobies, but San Cristobal lava lizards, and even a few blue-footed boobies nesting along the trail.

As we returned to the beach, Galapagos sea lions were resting and relaxing on the beach, and only a few were swimming. We decided to join them in the water, and we had a lot of fun playing with them.

At the end of the morning, we returned to the National Geographic Endeavour and started to navigate towards Leon Dormido. This islet offered a great opportunity to have a more adventurous snorkeling, as it is far off of the coast and surrounded by deep waters. During the snorkeling outing, some of our guests encountered hammerhead sharks, Galapagos sharks, green sea turtles and many different species of fish. After snorkeling, we navigated around this islet with the ship and observed the always impressive cliffs and the many birds that nest here.

We ended our day with a colorful and amazing sunset behind Leon Dormido.