Today we explored the Pacaya River, one of the namesakes of the Pacaya-Samiria Reserve where we have been traveling this week. At two million hectares in size, the reserve is one of the largest protected areas in Peru. We were at the furthest west (upriver) location of our explorations. And this was our chance to get a little deeper into the reserve, to look for animals that are more likely to be found further away from people. 

To start our day we explored the lower reaches of the Pacaya River. This morning we did not need to rush back for breakfast. As we are coming to learn, the crew of the Delfin II have numerous ways to make our trip special. This morning they did it again by bringing breakfast with us! After two hours of early morning bird and monkey watching, we pulled up at the “Jungle Café” the shade of a large tree. The waiters in their white gloves looked really familiar, as they came around to our seats (in the skiffs) and offered fruit, coffee, breakfast sandwiches and muffins. A lovely setting, delicious food, and good company. What more could you ask for on a beautiful day? Wildlife? We had that too.  Highlights of the morning were brown capuchin monkeys and Hoatzins. Hoatzins are the punk rockers of the bird world. At two feet long, with spiked hairdos, red eyes and blue eye make-up this cousin of the cuckoo has a style of its own. Truly one of the most unique looking birds in this region, and we got to see 40 of them at once! 

Our afternoon destination was to go all the way up the Pacaya to Yanayacu Lake and beyond. Along the way, rangers flagged us down to show us a large anaconda they had found. At the lake we swam (or floated with colorful noodles) while the pink dolphins made closer and closer passes. After a swim and a beverage we went a little further upriver to get into the habitat of the red howler monkeys. As the day was ending we suddenly could find howler monkeys everywhere. Several groups were spotted in the tops of the tallest trees. Their reddish coats were highlighted by the late afternoon sun. 

As we headed back to the ship there was a rainbow over the river. No need to search for the pot of gold. We have been finding treasures every day.