After the sensory overload of the past two days spent on Ellesmere Island, today has been a most opportune hiatus and has allowed us to regroup, reflect, and rest. However there have been many activities to keep us occupied.

The weather conditions have continued to be calm; the skies clear in the morning and a lot of ice about and then slowly into serene open waters with little ice and more overcast conditions.

During the morning we saw a very large iceberg, almost certainly calved off the Petermann Glacier, on the northwest coast of Greenland. The ship’s officer makes a detour on the route allowing us to get up close to this giant and we then proceed to gently sail around it. Steep ice cliffs rise to over 60 feet in the west and slowly slope down to some 15 feet in the east.

The rest of the morning is taken up with two presentations: firstly we have the chance to learn more from Ailsa about the Vikings and their remarkable trips to the very parts we have visited. This is followed by Gil Grosvenor’s talk on Robert Peary and his journey to the North Pole. He also includes the controversy as to whether the North Pole was ever achieved in 1909. This controversy continues today.

After lunch and we hear from Sven how his father got started in the travel business and his own remarkable life story in different countries, before becoming involved himself in travel and then how that journey has unfolded to the present. It was a remarkable and moving account and well laced with some amusing anecdotes. This was followed with an opportunity to make suggestions as to possible future destinations.

Teatime today was comprised of cookies and delicious scones with cream and various jams.

This was followed by a presentation from Stephanie on the seals that inhabit the Arctic region.

Outside conditions remain overcast and calm, but now we are accompanied by hundreds of northern fulmars flying all around the ship.

Following dinner the photo team offer a critique to the images that have anonymously submitted. It is both an opportunity to see how some of the photographers have captured memorable and beautiful moments on the journey and also hear from the experts as to how these images can be adjusted.