We certainly packed in the activities today starting with a landing at Pourquoi Pas to visit the Adelie penguin colonies there. There were all sorts of action going on with the smaller chicks being fed by the adults and the larger ones beginning to get into groups to creche. That way both adults can go out to sea simultaneously to get enough food to feed two growing chicks. The ice by the landing gave us a great opportunity to see the penguins navigating across it using their claws. For the agile, we scrambled up to the top of the moraine for an amazing view over the whole bay with the glacier in the background.
Then it was off to Stonington Island in the southern part of Marguerite Bay. On the way, we passed a giant iceberg that looked like a castle with lots of blue caverns and caves. Stonington Island has a lot of historical significance with UK Base H, which we explored. We also got to walk around the island getting great views of the mountains and glaciers in the surrounding area. A sleepy Weddell seal provided endless entertainment with its scratching, stretching and even a little song!
After enjoying a traditional Argentinian asado dinner, we made an Antarctic continental landing at Red Rock Ridge, with the most stunning cloud formation as we cruised in Zodiacs around the giant icebergs littering the bay.