This gorgeous beach day started off with an absolutely stellar sunrise. The city of clouds that filled the sky around the decks was glowing with spectacular shades of reds, oranges, pinks, and blues. Many people filled the decks of the National Geographic Sea Lion to snap photographs and some came to participate in the gentle yoga stretching that emphasized spinal care and flexibility.  

After nature’s morning light display, we all gathered for breakfast and to prepare for the day of hiking in the forest and swimming in the surf at Manuel Antonio National Park. We had the array of beach paraphernalia such as noodles, boogie boards, and snorkel gear. We all enjoyed the warm waters of Costa Rica and caught some last-minute sunshine before returning to cooler climates.  

The hikes proved to be full of wildlife viewing. Monkeys, sloths, raccoons, and many varieties of birds were spotted and photographed very close up. Guests going on longer hikers followed staff and local guides up some stairs, climbing in elevation on the cathedral trail. Guests going for shorter hikes gathered to walk around the beach trail in Sloth Valley to look for – you guessed it – sloths!  

After a fantastic lunch, some guests went back for more beach fun and while others packed up to go relax on the ship decks. The captain’s farewell dinner was full of smiles and talk of the activities we experienced. Afterward, we all had the chance to watch the photography slide show of our adventures. A wonderful end to the day and to our trip in paradise!