This morning we awoke to a ‘moody’ day in Antarctica. With a low fog bank blanketing the surrounding mountains, we ventured out in the Zodiacs before breakfast for a tour of Hidden Bay.

After a hearty breakfast, a pod of killer whales were spotted cruising alongside National Geographic Orion while it navigated the narrow Lemaire Channel. We watched in awe as a mother and her calf surfed the wake of the ship.

With all the excitement we had this morning we had worked up quite an appetite and joined Executive Chef Rannie on deck for his famous German “Frϋhschoppen.”

The seas south of the Lemaire Channel were chock full of ice, but that did not deter our Captain who pressed on south and in the afternoon we reached further south than any other ship this year –

65̊ 15,8’S   64̊ 15,0’W !