On the first day of each new year one should greet the morning with earnest and vigor. During light conversation with a guest today we discussed a brilliant intention her mother has always practiced: on January 1st she only participates in activities she wants to repeat and with an attitude she would like to reflect for the coming year. I can certainly say for myself, and with permission on behalf of the guests, today was a stupendous line to etch into 2015’s clean slate.

The morning began with Isla San Francisco, a beautiful beach tucked in between two rocky outcroppings, perfect for kayaking and snorkeling operations. The ultra-calm water mirrored the lightly overcast sky, and the inviting water glistened with remarkable clarity. Guests dispersed accordingly, some embarking on their maiden kayak adventure and participating in longer hikes than perhaps they would have volunteered for the year before. As the undersea specialist, I was able to embark on a phenomenal dive. During my time underwater I gathered exceptional footage to share with the guests of manta rays effortlessly flying through the water and soft corals slowly undulating in the current.

The afternoon activities were no less impressive, as we hiked up into the dry arroyo of Isla San Jose, an island covered in tall cacti and full of hidden treasures. As the arroyo’s path gained in elevation it also thinned and grew tall banks, telling the hikers the story of erosion. With a true explorer’s spirit hikers scrambled up embankments to each new level, following the ever-changing arroyo’s route. Hungry and satisfied we returned to the beach where a welcoming barbeque awaited, offering each guest a deliciously built menu of options. Over the next few hours we congregated around a healthy bonfire, listening to the many stories of William Lopez-Forment and delighting in hot chocolate and s’mores. As the embers burned low and guests trickled back to the ship the stars twinkled with the end of the beginning; happily welcoming us to a brand new trip around the sun.