It is hard to believe that seven days have gone by since we first arrived in the Amazon!  We have been traveling up and down both the Marañon and the Ucayali Rivers, seeing and experiencing wonderful things. 

Today, we are at Iricahua Caño, a small tributary near the point where both rivers meet to form the Amazon.

We were fortunate to encounter nice weather today, so we decided to offer one more kayaking opportunity, in addition to our skiff ride.

The feeling of kayaking in the middle of nowhere, with only the sound of your paddles against the water, is quite a remarkable experience. The incredible landscape helped to make this an experience that we will remember for a long time!

Our skiff ride was quite nice as well, as we encountered quite a variety of wildlife species, such as a young wattled jacana and the impressive looking great-black hawk. Our favorite perhaps were the great views of the blue and yellow macaws flying back and forth in front of the skiff. These beautifully-colored birds perched in one of the nearby trees, giving us all the opportunity to observe and admire them.

Shortly after returning to Delfin II, we continued our navigation even further down the Ucayali, to the village of Puerto Miguel. This small river-community has moved constantly during the past few years, as they have been affected by the ever-changing Amazon River system. For the past couple of years, this location relocated to higher grounds, and it has been a safe haven for them as they were able to build their houses, a school and even a small community center, where we all gathered to see and buy their handicrafts. Their techniques for creating crafts out of local wood and fibers, in an eco-friendly way, have given the village the reputation of having some of the best handicrafts in the region. Of course, our guests enjoyed not only observing the variety of crafts, but also buying their products, as well as interacting with the locals, which is the ultimate Amazon experience!