A splendid, sunny day at the northernmost entrance to the Inside Passage! We anchored in the northern cove of Inian Island for a fun-filled morning of Zodiac tours around the Inian Islands. A truly beautiful waterway filled with rich wildlife, sea lions, and sea otters galore! Birds like guillemots and gulls and cormorants flying overhead while bald eagles scoured the ocean surface for fish. And we could not have asked for better weather to journey together!

After relocating slightly south at Idaho Inlet, we explored a new location of hikes, bushwhacks, and windy kayaking operations. Everything went so smoothly and when we thought things couldn’t get better, the afternoon was topped off with a brown bear sighting in a nearby meadow! A light-hearted recap and dinner were followed by a thoughtful presentation on birds and climate change from our naturalist, Alex Rubenstein.