As early risers made their way to the aft 100 deck for the morning stretch class, a thick fog surrounding the National Geographic Sea Lion greeted them. The fog persisted as we cruised down Frederick Sound and anchored in Ideal Cove. For those who wanted to stretch their legs, our wellness specialist Michelle led a 4.5 mile aerobic hike down the Three Lakes Trail – a windy plank walk trail through the beautiful Tongass National Forest. Others enjoyed shorter hikes where they could take the time to photograph and appreciate the beauty of the towering trees, wild blueberries, flowers, ferns, and other rich vegetation. As we emerged from the trailhead early afternoon, we were delighted to see that the fog had lifted!

The sun shone as we docked in the quaint town of Petersburg. Though the population is just over 3,000, we were not short of activities! Guests were able to take dock walks with naturalists to learn about the different fishing techniques and boats. The dock had a lively vibe as the fisherman scuttled around cleaning and prepping their vessels. While photo instructor Rick led a photography focused walk and gave advice on capturing some of Petersburg’s unique Norwegian heritage, others decided to take a walk through the muskeg on Kupreanof Island across the channel. For those who seeking more of an adrenaline rush, flight-seeing over LeConte glacier was an option!

As the evening winded down, Beky Knight, a local Petersburg woman, joined us for cocktail hour and shared more information about the fishing community and fishing lifestyle. And, of course, we couldn’t visit a fishing town without leaving with fresh seafood! We were in for a treat as we finished off a fun-packed day with fresh Alaskan salmon and Dungeness crab. Bon appétit!