Ideal Cove is, not surprisingly, an ideal place to hike. We scrambled across the slippery seaweed to reach the forest edge and a plank trail beyond. Aerobic walkers stretched their legs, while other groups set off at a more moderate pace. Towering hemlocks and spruces sheltered the lush understory of ferns, devil’s club, and mosses. A small stream cut through the temperate rain forest parallel to our path as we gradually climbed to Hill Lake for scenic views. A hike just for kids returned early to allow an opportunity for the younger travelers to drive one of the inflatable boats. What excitement! 

Back on board there was a presentation on fishing followed by announcements to help us prepare for our afternoon in the picturesque town of Petersburg. Flightseeing over a nearby glacier was a priority for a number of people. Other offerings included a guided hike to a muskeg, a leisure stroll along the docks with one of the naturalists, or a walk with an emphasis on photography. Those who wanted to get off on their own escaped by foot or bicycle to see the sights. The trip to the muskeg, or peat bog, was a chance to visit an environment totally different than the forested landscapes that cover much of Southeast Alaska. Soggy carpets of moss blanket the terrain that is dotted with miniature ponds and dwarfed trees. It is home to carnivorous sundews with sticky hairs that capture small insects and spiders. Along the docks near the ship many boats lay in their slips, but part of the fleet was away fishing. It was fascinating to see the gear on vessels rigged for a variety of techniques. The afternoon could not have been more spectacular for photographers and for all of us with bright sunshine and no wind. The high peaks of the coastal range rose in the distance and provided a rugged backdrop to the colorful foreground of the hustle and bustle of Petersburg. 

Our officers skillfully maneuvered the ship out of the crowded harbor and into Frederick Sound as we feasted on Dungeness crab and tasty ribs. Pink sunset hues played across the calm sea as we sailed on to new adventures.