After sailing southeast all night and much of the morning, we arrived at the picturesque island of Hidra. Hidra, similar to most of this part of the world has a long history. Artifacts have been found dating back to the Viking era and probably even farther.  As well, there is a large World War II presence as Germans were on the island for a time being. Our excursions today focused on this history, the stunning scenery, quaint village life, and enjoying the outdoors.

Like most other days on this voyage, we divided into different groups in order to explore whatever interested us the most. Some decided to enjoy the water and joined a guided kayak tour. It was pleasant to paddle and learn about the local history. Others hiked through the town of Kirkhamn and up to a stunning viewpoint with some bunkers from World War II. The views were well worth the climb. And the largest group focused on the history of the area by visiting Flekkefjord.  A great museum and pretty town helped us understand a bit about life in this part of Norway. All groups also got to enjoy some local flavors.  Whether it was the delicious ice-cream or the tasty waffles (sadly no brown cheese!!), we all enjoyed a bit of the local cuisine.

We regrouped on board and headed out towards tomorrows destination of Risor. A gorgeous evening and sunset lit up the nearby shore, highlighting again this stunning landscape that is coastal Norway!