As the early sunrise broke the sky,

Scouting naturalists peered into the sea with keen eyes.

We searched for a lee on the north-western side,

But the sea is ever wild, and our priorities realigned. 

Some ventured to take a dip in the cool crystal clear blue,

Others watched many feathered friends up in the sky that flew.

Though the reef was too tumultuous to land,

Guests had a swim and thought it quite grand.

The divers went out towards the southern reaches of the isle,

Searching for pristine seas and sharks to beguile.

Fishes and sea birds were discovered along the coast,

Then gradually all came back to enjoy some pizza and a toast:

Here’s to soaking up the grandeurs of Henderson’s northerly lee,

May rough weather not abrade us tomorrow at Ducie!

The Undersea Specialist, Caitlyn, taught the guests about tropical fishes,

Then it was tea time and the spread was ever so delicious.

Naturalist, Jimmy, presented the necessity to take a closer look at commercial fishing and sharks,

Afterwards we had a lovely recap and briefing for Ducie Atoll, which we will soon embark.

Although we lose an hour tonight, there is much to be gained,

We bundle up in our beds and await the morn’, our excitement can’t be contained!