The DER below is from the expedition to Cuba that began on December 28, 2016.

Our journey today took us across Cuba, from Havana on the north coast, to the much smaller and more quiet but equally beautiful city of Cienfuegos on the south coast of the island.

We began with a relaxing morning in the Hotel National – a chance to rest in a bit, explore the remarkable building of the hotel itself or make a visit to the huge Columbus Cemetery.  By 11:00 a.m. we were on our way, cruising comfortably out of the city and into the countryside, a face of Cuba we had not yet seen.  We passed small homes, fields of tobacco and sugar cane, horse-drawn carts and many more well-used vintage American cars.  Seeing the cars out, away from the city, confirmed for us that they are a part of everyday life in Cuba, not just a curiosity for visitors and photographers.

Along the way we stopped for a delicious lunch of typical Cuban food – rice and beans, stews of chicken and pork, fried plantains and fresh vegetables salads, all washed down with cold lager, either Crystal or Bucanero.  On the road again many of us had a brief nap while those of us who stayed awake had a constant flow of the scenery of Cuba’s lowlands as we cruised by more small farms and through low second-growth forests.

On arriving in Cienfuegos we drove briefly through town and then walked a few blocks from the main avenue to a beautiful white-washed church on the Zocalo, the central plaza.  In a small room just off the sanctuary we met the Cienfuegos choir, a group of men and women who are professional singers and very dedicated to their music.  They gave us a short concert that was extraordinarily beautiful, covering a range of choral music from classical, to Cuban Cha Cha, to traditional American spirituals.  Their voices and harmonies were both exquisite and we felt very privileged to hear them sing.

As the sun set we made our way out to the harbor to board Panorama II, our home for the next week and our base for many more adventures to come.