Today we have arrived in beautiful Costa Rica after covering nearly 120 nautical miles from Panama. We went out this morning to explore the mangrove forest and the shorelines of the town of Golfito.

Getting to explore this ecosystem is a good opportunity to see how important conservation is, as mangrove forests help greatly to sequestrate carbon dioxide from the air. They provide shelter for thousands of migratory birds that are flying to Central and South America and need these major stopover feeding grounds over the coastlines in their flyways.

The mangroves estuaries are extremely important, since they also trap a lot of sediment that comes from rivers, and this brings a lot of invertebrates that become the food of many kinds of fish. They prevent flooding that can damage the infrastructures of many coastlines towns on the continent.

After our morning, we relocated to a botanical garden called Casa Orquideas, a little paradise of plants and birds. We strolled the garden and observed how a place can be so diverse and beautiful at the same time.

Scarlet macaws flew over the pretty sky of Golfo Dulce, as well as toucans and other types of tropical birds.

We returned to the vessel before the sunset and prepared for the recap session of another day in paradise.