As we all awoke this morning on the National Geographic Sea Lion we gazed out at fog as this as mud. Eating breakfast talking about how mystical and magical it felt. Much to our surprise the fog had begun to lift after breakfast as if it was planned that way and we were all very excited about what beauty this would lend to our day exploring Glacier Bay National Marine Park.

Shortly after the fog had resided we arrived at South Marble Island where we were greeted by the snorting and grunting of the northern elephant seals, kittiwakes flying around and puffins leaping into flight off the rocks into the water.  The remainder of the fog settled in a small band about half way up the Island, truly making this a majestic experience. While we were all looking at the wildlife we had the pleasure of listening to our guest, Park Ranger Zak. As we motored onto Gloomy Knob we spotted what at first looked like just one brown bear but it turned out to be mother and three adorable cubs searching the tidal zone for any mussels, barnacles or if they are lucky small fish. We then headed to Margerie Glacier and witnessed some amazing calving. While heading to Bartlett Cove we then had the great pleasure to listen to our other guest, Ranelle, who is a Tlingit Interpreter about the history of the Tlingit.