Shortly after the anchor was lifted in the early morning, wildlife viewing began with a breaching humpback, continued with sea otters and stellar sea lions, and culminated with killer whales. Remarkable marine mammal observations were just a part of today’s adventures aboard National Geographic Sea Bird. It was a classic Alaska temperate rainforest day with a range, from mist to light rain, which hydrated hikers who explored World War II relics on George Island. Kayakers explored kelp forests and arches while enjoying the solitude. In the afternoon the nutrient and salmon-rich waters of Cross Sound coursed through the Inian Islands which were speckled with marbled murrelets, pelagic cormorants, glaucous-winged gulls, and stellar sea lions, all there to feast. Exhausted, yet buzzing with excitement from the memorable day, we humans decided to take our turn at feasting…until killer whales were spotted! It was a magical day exploring Southeast Alaska.
National Geographic Sea Lion
Pavlof Harbor
The day started with an exciting encounter. Before breakfast we observed a group of bubble-netting humpback whales. It was incredible to see them lunge and hear them breathing at the surface. This was coupled by a glorious pink sunrise. After breakfast we took Zodiac cruises searching for bears near Pavlof Harbor. Even though we did not find any (wildlife is always delightfully unexpected), the scenery was beautiful, and we watched many adorable harbor seals. After thinking the excitement of the day was done, we spotted a large group of whales from a distance. While approaching closer, we realized this group was also bubble-net feeding. Close to the shore, we observed these whales for hours. We even dropped the hydrophone to hear their haunting feeding call before they all lunged at the surface. It was one of the most incredible things any of us had ever witnessed. As if this wasn’t enough, at our sunset recap we got the call that there were killer whales around the ship. It was the most amazing ending to the most amazing day.