Genovesa is one of the last, near-pristine islands on Earth. It is located north of the equatorial line of the Galapagos, and it is the remains of an extinct volcano. The southeastern rim has given way to winds and ocean waves, so it is possible for the National Geographic Endeavour II to anchor inside its main caldera. This tiny island is sometimes referred to as Hitchcock Island because it is the home to thousands of birds which can thrive here surrounded by rich, productive waters and a total lack of introduced predators. The total innocence and fearlessness in the eyes of the seabirds that welcomed us human visitors is a memory that will last forever.
- Daily Expedition Reports
- 09 Nov 2018
Genovesa Island, 11/9/2018, National Geographic Endeavour II
- Aboard the National Geographic Endeavour II
- Galápagos
Exploring Galápagos: One Week Sailing the Islands
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