This is our last day in the Galapagos Islands, and we want to have as much fun as possible! What could be better than spending the day on Genovesa Island, an especially unique place in the region due to the colonies of birds, particularly that of the iconic red-footed boobies. These colonies are made up of thousands of birds of several different species, including frigatebirds and tropic birds.

After breakfast we explored the forest. The trees are loaded with nests of red-footed boobies. There are also Nazca boobies nesting on the ground and some Darwin’s finches looking for food among the rocks. Every time we looked up into the sky, it was dotted with different types of birds. This island is a paradise for all types of birds.

After exploring the forest and colonies of birds, we had enough time to explore the ocean and its creatures. We grabbed snorkeling gear and headed out for a deep water snorkeling excursion. Here we found many types of tropical fishes and sea lions. The highlight was spotting hammerhead sharks! What a morning we just had.

In the afternoon we headed out again for another hike. More opportunities for photography, bird watching and learning about the biology of the unique species of the Galapagos Islands. We explored part of the islands at sunset, and this is the time when the short-eared owls generally appear. It was amazing to spot these owls coming out from their burrows among the lava rocks. I think this was the best end we could have to an expedition in the Galapagos Islands.     

Just another amazing day in paradise!