Today we started our day at the spectacular northern island of Genovesa. Early in the morning the National Geographic Islander entered the bay through a narrow, shallow channel, an amazing entrance to a unique visitor site! As soon as we dropped anchor the Zodiacs were brought down with the kayaks. It was an amazing opportunity to enjoy the sea birds of Genovesa. After breakfast we had a wet landing on a beach covered with small pieces of broken white coral and here we encountered frigate birds, swallow tailed gulls, Nazca and red footed boobies, yellow crowned night herons, lava gulls, Rudy turnstones, and Galapagos sea lions. It is impossible to describe the tameness of the birds, observing them in their natural habitat, nesting. It is a gift to be part of this expedition and this overwhelming feeling is a once in a life time experience!

Later on we headed back to the ship to get ready for our next morning activity which was snorkeling in the inner rim of the caldera.  In the water our guests were impressed by the diversity of fish found here. There were colorful parrot fish, Moorish idols, different species of damsel fish, Galapagos sea lions and Galapagos fur seals. What a remarkable moment it was!

After a well-deserved lunch, the afternoon started with a visit to Prince’s Phillip steps.  There we found a dramatic landscape created by old lava flows covered with many species of sea birds.  During our hike we could observe Nazca boobies with juveniles, red footed boobies looking frenetically for nesting material, frigate birds attacking red-billed tropic birds and the highlight of the visit- a recently hatched red footed booby. We also offered an incredible Zodiac cruise along the base of the cliffs and Kayaking, our guests were delighted! Today was another great day exploring the remoteness of the ocean, far away from civilization and close to paradise! It was another great week on board the National Geographic Islander.