Endicott Arm

We awoke in Endicott Arm, in the majestic fjord of the Ford’s Terror-Tracey Arm Wilderness. The scenery was shockingly magnificent. Dawes Glacier has scoured and clawed its way through the fjord, leaving scars that paint pictures across the granite walls. Hemlock, Sitka Spruce, and Alder are rooted with intent. They clung to the rock walls; each took on its own character, and held a sacred space.

Bundled up in our warmest attire, we huddled on the bow observing how this masterpiece came to be. We became removed from any aspect of our reality, we entered a vortex, our senses heightened, allowing us to grasp the awe ness around us.  We make our way up Endicott Arm. Captain Carden masterfully wove our way through the prominent ice field. We could feel the air biting at our skin as the temperature dropped.

Suddenly, we approach the enormous Dawes Glacier. From Cobalt to Sky, the density of the icebergs refracted the most impressive shades of blue. The purity and the danger of the face were evident. We felt the rumbling sounds of thunder shake us to the core. With our eyes focused on the face of the glacier we witnessed a calving and a new iceberg was born.

Moments later, beyond and beneath the face of the glacier, an enormous chunk of ice breaks off, and with great force…Surprise! A huge shooter escaped, breaking through the water, giving us an exciting show.

Swimming in Alaska? Why not?

Screams of laughter echoed. At 39 degrees, this event was only for the silly and the brave. It was the ultimate celebration of the harsh, cold, and exhilarating climate of South East Alaska.

Paddling in our kayaks amongst the icebergs allowed us humbling experience in such a vast space. Harbor Seals could be seen resting on the icebergs in the distance. Swimming around they curiously poked their heads out of the water, cautiously keeping their distance.

As we turned to leave, the clouds filled in, and cracking ice could be heard in the distance. Back on the boat we celebrated our amazing week and the connections we made with each other. We laughed in disbelief at the memories we created and the experiences not be soon forgotten.