Point Adolphus-Fox Creek & Inian Islands

Summer is the time of non-stop activity here in Southeast Alaska and we experienced it throughout the day. It began first thing in the morning, as our fearless Expedition Leader Trip gently woke us up to say that we had several humpback whales just in front of the Sea Lion. There was one surface active whale that kept raising a pectoral flipper and slapping it against the water’s surface. It made a sound that echoed off the forested hills and we were fortunate enough to see several breaches by the same whale. Breaching is a fantastic behavior where the whale throws its 30-40 ton body out of the water. What a way to begin our day!

After breakfast we anchored just off a place called Fox Creek. There was a lovely opportunity for kayaking around a small wooded island where we had close encounters with harbor seals. Of course there were more hikes offered to explorer the temperate rain forest. The most adventurous went for an extended hike through peat bogs and along a waterfall. We made a surprising discovery of ancient bear tracks where the local brown bears walk in the same spot year in and out-- only the bears know why. It was a magical part of our walks in the forest.

In the afternoon, we sailed in the Zodiacs around the Inian Islands. We had sightings of sea otters as they were wrapped up in the kelps beds. Then we maneuvered through the strong currents racing in a narrow channel as Stellar sea lions charged around the boats. Several times we saw the seal lions rip apart a salmon as the gulls swarmed around to pick up the leftovers. It was incredible to be so close to all these marine mammals.

The day ended with another close encounter with a sea otter feasting on a crab. The Sea Lion slowly drifted right next to the otter as it munched away. It was a fitting end to an incredible day filled with wildlife encounters.