Lake Eva & Kelp Bay

Yet another sunny day in Southeast Alaska and we can hardly believe our good fortune as the bright sunshine greeted us in Sitkoh Bay (Chichagof Island). The Tlingit Indians fled their homeland in Sitka in 1804 and relocated to this beautiful area when Russians invaded.

The Sea Lion sailed past Steller sea lions lounging on a buoy as early risers scanned the shore for wildlife. We spotted two healthy looking Sitka black-tailed deer and five majestic great blue herons on the shore. And luck being on our side, we saw a young brown bear at the end of the inlet. It was actively searching the stream for its breakfast, looking for some tasty salmon to fill its belly.

After we filled ours, we anchored in the sheltered waters of Hanus Bay and took Zodiacs to Baranof Island. We were greeted by several bald eagles soaring overhead. We chose a beautiful trail following the river and hiked through towering western hemlocks and Sitka spruce. We felt small as we gazed up at these giants. On our right, the river seemed alive with schools of pink salmon. They entertained us as they repeatedly leapt out of the water seemingly enjoying themselves.

The bright, warm afternoon inspired some to don bathing suits and our activities in the south arm of Kelp Bay started off with a bang. Several brave souls leapt out of a Zodiac into the frigid sea. Above the screams from the “swimmers”, applause and cheering could be heard from loved ones watching from the Sea Lion’s deck. Our next outing found people climbing into kayaks and heading off on hikes to explore the bay. Waterfalls, bald eagles, pink and chum salmon, and rugged snow-capped peaks captivated all. As we cruised out of Kelp Bay a humpback whale surfaced next to the ship and it was a grand finale to an exciting day!