Juneau/Stephens Passage

Blue skies, 77 degrees, not a cloud in the sky! Juneau doesn’t get better than this! This morning we had a choice of several activities; some of us went to the Alaska State Museum, others chose to ride the tramway up to the top of Mt.Roberts to enjoy gorgeous views. A few guests even hiked to the top and rode the tram down! And of course there was time for a little shopping. We met back at the Sea Bird which had repositioned next to our sister ship the Sea Lion! After a few quick hugs and waves to our Sea Lion friends, we were ready to sail by lunch time. Hooray! We are on our way!

We had a glorious relaxing cruise during the afternoon. Many lounged on deck chairs reading their favorite book. Others watched for birds and other animal signs along the way. Later in the day, Karen Fischer from Brown University, gave a presentation about glaciation. Just toward the end of her lecture, humpback whales were sighted, which created a mass exodus to the bow of the ship. Mega fauna wins again! There was much chatter about the possibility of seeing a meteor shower tonight and northern lights. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s DER to find out if they were visible.

“Land that has meaning is much more difficult to destroy.
Keep telling stories and the land stays alive. And so do we.”

             Bruce Barcott, Northwest Passages