LeConte Bay and Petersburg - Icebergs to Crustaceans

Cloaked in a foggy mist, we imagined a shoreline and speculated icebergs floating in LeConte Bay. We became detectives wrapped in raingear and boarded our Zodiacs. Proceeding into the enveloping fog, we nudged into and over a terminal moraine, and started our search for slumbering icebergs.

Marbled murrelets became our horizon indicators, separating a sky of swirling gray mist from fog shrouded waters. A powder blue schnauzer sat looking expectantly just off the shore, while a seahorse pursed its fishy lips from atop a sparkling crystal perch. The species of the iceberg was questioned, it was obviously a cat, not a schnauzer, our perspectives being swayed by our canine or feline alliances.

Wrapped in the turquoise pajamas of Le Conte Bay, a sleeping sapphire iceberg was awakened by Zodiacs buzzing about. As we admired the slumbering form it woke, gurgled a yawn, and rolled over, taking a few moments to readjust to a more comfortable position, it then bobbed into a continuing melting slumber.

Point your heels to the sky and plaster your belly button firmly on the dock, this is the requisite posture for viewing the garden living and feeding on the underside of our mooring. This stance is demonstrated quite proficiently in the photo above. Anemones blossomed a web of delicate feeding appendages. Barnacles cemented in perpetual headstands danced a frantic tango; their cirriped feet wildly snatching at an invisible planktonic feast drifting in with the rising tide.

Our vantage points for exploring Petersburg and surrounding areas varied. From nose-to-the-ground views of carnivorous botany in the muskeg to eagle eye views from helicopters and floatplanes puttering over glaciers, snowfields and mountain goats.

With a penchant for California wines and a flair for fashionable evening wear, a blonde “sea otter” demonstrated a vineyard based technique for procuring the sweet meat held within the shell of the Dungeness crab. A precursor lesson in the use of tools for our own crustaceanal feeding frenzy. Armed with metal crushers, hearty appetites and melted butter, shells flew and gastronomic satisfaction arrived as we crunched, picked and consumed copious amounts of the multi-legged invertebrates. Scrumptious.