Bartolome and Santiago Islands

Our day began with a pre-breakfast, muscle-burning, heart-pumping climb up 378 stairs to the summit of Bartolome where we were rewarded with a magnificent view of the island. The view from up high gave us a chance to reflect on the beauty of these islands, something we would keep in our thoughts throughout the day as we were given free time to wander and experience Bartolome and James Islands.

After breakfast we took Zodiacs to the beach where we snorkeled and body-surfed on the large waves breaking in the bay. It was a time where we could relax and reflect on the many exciting things we’ve seen over this past week. In the afternoon, we had one last hike on Santiago Island where we saw fur seals and an American oystercatcher with her chick. I’ve learned so much on this trip and seen so many different species of birds, fish, and other sea mammals. Experiences I never thought I would have – seeing a new born sea lion pup nursing, snorkeling with penguins and sea turtles, stepping over countless marine iguanas, enjoying the uniqueness of each bird on these islands – it has all been overwhelming. I will carry these memories with me for the rest of my life. If you’ve ever thought about visiting these islands, what are you waiting for?

I am sorry to leave, but so happy to have had this chance to visit such a special place. The people have been amazing, too. And I have made many friends in my fellow travelers. I hope to come back soon!