Hood Island

Landing on Espanola is like landing at a gigantic nursery. There are sea lion babies everywhere, this is the season, and it is very touching to find few-days, even few-hours old babies running around, exploring their new world. And I am sure that they get to learn pretty soon that this world where they are born is a place with nothing to fear about. Their tinny eyes, opened since the very moment they are born, see how mockingbirds, finches, iguanas live all together in peace, sharing the same area colored by black lava and white organic sand.

Sea lions are precocious; therefore they can swim as soon as they are born. The protected bays of Punta Suarez are ideal for them to become skilled at swimming and diving. Our presence doesn’t bother them at all, and we can observe the many details of their everyday lives. It is amazing to witness how those young babies get to discover their surroundings. It’s remarkable to realize that we, human beings, are also part of their world, and sea lions are as curious about us as they are about the many wonders of their new discovered environment. This is such a privilege!