In 1793 the English Captain James Colnett came to the Galapagos to study the possibilities of whaling. Although it was Ambrose Cowley who made the first navigational charts of the islands in 1684, Colnett's were more accurate. His presence on the islands started an era of whaling for the next century. He was also the person who placed a barrel on Floreana Island to facilitate the delivering of mail.

Up until today, the barrel (which has been replaced several times) is still used by people - of course not by whalers and sealers but by our guests that visit Post Office Bay on Floreana. It is a fun way to meet people because the post cards that are left in the barrel are to be delivered personally. So, if you live close to some address on the card, you pick it up and hand-deliver it. Isn't this an amusing mailing system?