Floreana Island

Galápagos is changing. The President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, came to the Galápagos last week and in a meeting with the INGALA, the local institution that regulates the immigration of people to the Islands, discussed several matters concerning implementation of new strategies to regulate the flow of newcomers to this archipelago. Only a month ago, a new Governor for the Islands was appointed; he has been actively involved with the conservation of the islands, giving him the advantage of knowing the past and present conditions of the archipelago.

Populated areas always are a threat to ecologically fragile areas, and Galápagos is not far from that threat. Little by little, the reinforcement of the “Special Law” for the Galápagos Islands (passed in 1998) and the care of the well manage tourist industry is going to give positive results. For the common eyes, “unusual signs” are popping up here and there in the wild side of our islands, like the one we encountered this morning as we disembarked on the Island of Floreana. They are new perching sites for our blue footed boobies to land and graffiti, but more importantly, they regulate activities in the archipelago and in that way, inform the visitors that these islands are being well taken care of!