Isabela & Fernandina Island

It is hard to describe feelings, especially when they rush up inside you with so much intensity. Ever since I woke up this morning I had done nothing but hold, what I describe, a big “BTO” smile on my face (best to offer), and I think it is a pure expression of how I feel right now, at this stage in my life, time and place. I cannot stop thinking about how incredibly lucky I am to be experiencing the most unspoiled place on the planet, the Galápagos Islands.

The first thing that I did after I woke up today was think of my loved ones; those special people that would hear all about my adventures in this “forgotten in time place on earth.” I feel sorry for them and for the countless hours that I would invest telling them every single detail of my everyday work. Today’s visit would help a lot in such descriptions since this day has turned out to be perfect!

Our early morning encounter with striped dolphins (more than three hundred of them) left quite an impression on me. This species is not found in an everyday excursion, so I felt really lucky when we came to realize that they were not only dolphins but this special type not frequently seen.

Later on, our Zodiac excursion along the cliffs at Punta Vicente Roca revealed the impressive geological morphology of Isabela Island. Its sharp cliffs had collapsed many times throughout time, its coastline shaping and re-shaping every once in a while. Iguanas, sea lions, penguins and flightless cormorants were among the many species we found resting along the shorelines, completely oblivious of the -for now- dormant volcanoes that surround them.

Our afternoon at the Island of Fernandina gave us all the perfect excuse to dream of how the earth was during the times when nothing but dinosaurs dominated the planet.
Large colonies of miniature dinosaurs (marine iguanas) where adorning the path, while some sea lions where simply basking on the rocky shores.

It was incredibly calm and peaceful, and we could not have asked for a better day!