Bartolomé & Santiago Islands

Today we visited two of the most beautiful islands in the archipelago, Bartolomé and Santiago. An intriguing misty halo surrounding the Polaris at sunrise was a magical premonition of the great experiences our expedition would bring to our lives today. We started very early with a walk to the top of Bartolomé Island. A 372-step staircase let us reach a height of 374 feet. From the summit we were mesmerized by one of the most striking landscapes that we have in the Galápagos Islands. The pictures we took from this point speak for themselves, a wonderful combination of colors and textures as close to a painting as you can imagine. Later in the morning, after breakfast, we went to a paradisiacal golden beach where our guests swam and snorkeled successfully in nice calm waters. In the afternoon we went to visit Santiago Island. Water activities from a black volcanic beach were the prelude to a relaxed walk along the shoreline. Galápagos fur seals, some shore bird species and marine iguanas were seen blended with the wonderful volcanic landscape of the surroundings. A cool breeze and the last rays of sunlight were our companions on the way back on board. A full day of exploration, filled with many activities that satisfied the most demanding expectations, at last came to an end.

Our expedition this week is reaching its end as well. All that were involved in this unforgettable experience share a strong feeling in common: a genuine admiration for one of the ultimate natural paradises remaining on Earth. One thing we know for sure is that these special memories will be perennial, and although our visitors this week are leaving Galápagos, the enchantment of these islands will never leave them.