Naxos & Paros Islands, Greece

Some days just don’t quite work out as planned, but when you’re in a beautiful place alternatives always seem to present themselves. Today was slated to be our “vacation” day, with beach time in the morning, and swimming from the ship in the afternoon. We were planning to do these activities on the island of Kythnos, but did them on the islands of Naxos and Paros instead.

Late the previous night, our air conditioning system went out, making for a very warm night’s sleep while our engineering and deck staff worked through the night. Since we were at the dock in the lovely port of Naxos, many folks opted to sleep on deck, an option that we seldom have when we’re underway at night. The breeze was fresh and the stars were bright, although the sun woke some up earlier than they’d planned. After a relaxed breakfast, we ventured out in different directions, finding various cool places on the ship and in town. Some went with Krista and Patrycja for a swim at the nearby public swimming area, while others took advantage of the unexpected shopping and ice cream consuming opportunities. Others found the shade and breeze on deck and read their novels.

We gathered together again at midday, and headed to a nearby taverna for a fabulous local lunch. Seated in the shade, under trellised grapevines, we savored a meal of Naxian specialties. Greek salad made with soft, local goat cheese; crisp, dry Naxian white wine; kolokithokeftedes, calamari and fries made from Naxian potatoes were laid on our tables, and we ate with gusto. Near the end of the meal, our Pan Oramics teams were challenged to consume one of the tiny maridakia, or small fried fish, to earn points for their teams. Some tucked right in, while others accepted the challenge with slightly more trepidation, but many points were earned amid the cheers of all.

We returned to a lovely cool ship, and departed in search of an afternoon swim spot. Anchored back in Naoussa Bay, we opened the pool and jumped in to the crystalline blue water. After a suitable warm-up period, we began the athletic competitions of our Pan Oramics Games. Jumping from the Panorama’s rail was our first challenge, with winners in biggest splash, smallest splash, most creative, funniest and best form categories. A swimming relay and a kickboard race involved all remaining team members and were met with cheers and team chants. What a treat it’s been to watch families come together, sharing both fun and learning and making new friends.