Isla Danzante, Baja California Sur

A truly Remarkable journey.

In Expedition style, on our final full day aboard the National Geographic Sea Bird, we hike, kayak, snorkel, and tour by Zodiac Isla Danzante.

Moments replay in our minds, unexpectedly touching us, as we write the final hours of this special journey.

In Aperture priority, we select our depth of field, as we layer images of the desert bathed in morning light with the Baja Peninsula and waxing moon setting in the background.

The Gulf is Rich with life today, mobula rays breach, dolphins leap, sergeant majors school, and sea stars forage underwater.

A shared awakening of our senses makes us Kindred spirits. We take with us a common voice for preservation and protection of this beautiful, diverse, and unique place we call Baja California, on our blue planet.

Each of us is Aware of the privilege and responsibility that comes with exploring the hidden treasures of the Sea of Cortez.

Beauty surrounds us as we make our way south, retracing our track, while we share images from our expedition laptop gallery style, as well as in the world premier of our own collective slide show.

La luna esta casi llena. The moon rose in the east as the sun set in the west.

 ntrañables ocasiones como los vividos estas semanas permaneceran en nuestras memorias…. Endearing occasions like the ones lived these weeks will remain in our memories.