Gulf of California and San Juanico

With Cuvier’s beaked whales dancing in our heads,
We retire our sunburnt bodies to a warm and fluffy bed.
Now a new day has dawned, with water flat as a mirror
We greet it with a yawn, as we lick our coffee stirrer.
How shall we compose, what we find this day in the seas?
Remember the guiding rule, the one about the threes.
Whoops, no time left for pondering, for we have found us whales!
Look at those thick dorsals, a plethora of males.
Shiny bulbous potheads, we seek a shooting position
We sidle up alongside, with the help of Captain Composition.
A mugshot is what we’re after, we dangle Carlos in the sea
He dives in with camera, and a fair amount of glee
Echo locating blackfish, a ticking sort of chatter
They decide he’s not their dish, to them, he doesn’t matter.

Common dolphins are next up, calm seas they are busily churning
Bring lots of memory, of this we are quickly learning.
Pixels are recycled, infinite images are captured
Exposure compensation? It can’t dim the sense of rapture.
Terra firma to the west, at San Juanico we will stay
Circled with osprey nests, we’ll make the most of this great day.
Kayaks, hikes and snorkeling, we don wetsuits, fins and masks
Hey, can I eat this plant? It’s William you should ask.
Pole vaulting osprey flying over nests, it’s enough to make you drool
Unless you question our integrity, check the date, an April Fool?
Storytelling or reality, or random rumors that you’ve just heard
Only one way to find out, come join us on the ‘Sea Bird.