Inian Islands and Fox Creek

This morning we awoke to the mysterious misty skies of Southeast Alaska, as they were holding on to the mountains that disappeared into them. The Captain eased his way towards our anchorage, a small inlet named the Hobbit Hole, where we embarked the Zodiacs to go explore the Inian Islands and the marine life that inhabits this beautiful area. The first animal we saw were the curious sea otters. They were enjoying their morning meal, while lying on their backs watching us as we watched them. Moving on we were most fortunate to encounter the Steller sea lion, the largest of the sea lions and most impressive, with some weighing in at over 1,200 pounds. The juveniles are sometimes as playful as puppies and just as endearing with those pretty big brown eyes.

Upon arriving back at the National Geographic Sea Bird we were overcome with a wonderful aroma that was wafting out from the galley as they prepared what was to be an amazing lunch.

Our afternoon at Fox Creek included kayaking and hiking in this amazing temperate rainforest. We were awed by the beauty of the forest and the treasures it presented to us, including age old bear tracks as well as recent river otter tracks. Kayaking on these calm clear waters may be the most peaceful thing one can experience.

Reflecting on today, the wildlife we saw and heard, the forest we touched, the air we breathed and wonderful meals we tasted, all of our senses had been dutifully satisfied. It is time to put them to rest so we may enjoy another day of fine expedition tomorrow.