Española Island

The southeastern trade winds are stronger than ever and overnight we experienced the full force of the waves created by them. In the morning, the absence of the sun and the cold wind were forgotten by the warmth provided by the many sea lions that escorted us during our snorkeling session. It was a colorful experience full of life and surprises! At the same time, some of our guests were paddling in the kayaks showing their expertise dealing with some current and wind; nevertheless the kayaking proved to be a rewarding exercise that gave us time to reflect upon our trip, this being our last day.

In the afternoon at Punta Suarez, we were given a gift by the display of nature at the blowhole while passing albatrosses and boobies add a touch of magic to our sight. The Nazca boobies are back again in massive numbers and they are displaying their courtship calls, announcing soon we’ll witness another cycle of reproduction to begin. Along the inland trail, we found that the baby hawk is in its eighth week and under the scrutinizing look of its mother soon will be ready to start its own living. That’s how life discourses and goes on and on telling us so much, teaching us so much.

This week is over and tomorrow most of our guests will start another adventure seeking their way back to their regular lives with no little influence granted by the communion with nature. As for those who stay in the Galápagos, our communion will be extended another week and our lives will keep being enriched.