During the night the Caledonian Star pushed further south on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, first crossing the Bransfield Strait and then entering the scenic Gerlache Strait. We awoke this morning to find ourselves surrounded by a dramatic and beautiful scene of ice-capped mountains and glaciers.

We made our first stop of the day at the Enterprise Islands, a place which became well known to whalers operating in the area in the early 1900s. They made this anchorage a major center of summer industry during the period 1916-30. In a small bay called Gouvernueren Harbor we found the remains of the whaling vessel Gouvernueren I, which was wrecked there in 1916.

We took to the Zodiacs for an exploratory cruise of this area, taking in the spectacular scenery, whaling history and local wildlife. While cruising around the wreck of the Gouvernueren I, some of us watched our on-board diver, Brent Halling, take to the icy water with his video camera to record some underwater scenes around the wreck. Brent described this as the best dive he's done in the Antarctic.

Whenever conditions are suitable at any of our stops, Brent dives and makes a video record of the underwater world, which is then shown to us at the evening cocktail hour. The results have been fantastic, opening our eyes to another Antarctic world towhich we had previously given very little consideration