Today we are stepping even deeper into the intense beauty of Southeast Alaska. A low layer of fog has rolled in, and with no horizon in sight, we are sailing into the clouds. The peaks are still hanging above, so the experience is somewhat ethereal.

We are exploring the coastline of Chichagof Island the best ways we know how–by kayak, by inflatable expedition craft, and by foot into the rain forest. Being on the water gives us great looks at our charismatic marine mammals, surrounding us with cute sea otters and inquisitive harbor seals. Upon shutting off the motor, we can hear for miles. The deep echoing blow of a humpback whale invites us deeper into the fog. After a few minutes, we find it lunging for food at the surface. Another whale greeted us at Shaw Island, and then two more were feeding amongst our flotilla of kayakers. Back on land, the hikers listen to the whales from the beach, and then upon moving into the woods, are entertained by a serenade of bird songs.

The afternoon brings us to one of our favorite places–the Inian Islands. Here Alaska’s great tides generate incredible currents that stir up nutrients and stimulate growth. This produces an immense density of life, which is seen, heard and smelled by all of us as we experience it firsthand. We all take boat rides around the islands to get close views of Steller sea lions, sea otters, and bald eagles flying overhead. The icing on the cake was a humpback whale we found lunge feeding by the rock wall. Today has been another amazing day exploring Southeast Alaska.