This is an island of beauty and mysteries, an island which has it all, from flamingos to colorful fish, from shark schools to mangrove lagoons, from cinder volcanoes to interesting stories about crazy baronesses and toothless dentists. We started our activities with the first light hours, taking advantage of every minute under the sun, and under the water as well. Punta Cormorant, a before breakfast outing, welcomed us with the aroma of holy trees, similar to incense, but sweeter. We encountered flamingoes, finches, and sea turtles, learned about the arrival and establishment of plant species and many wonderful tips about photography. After breakfast we played with sea lions while snorkeling around Champion islet, at its best in visibility.

For the afternoon we kayaked in the lagoon of Post Office Bay, and visited the historical barrel, the setting of a two hundred-year mail swapping system.

We had a barbecue outside, and while enjoying our delicious meal we could hear sea lions and sharks swimming around, and from time to time were brightened by the moon.