It was the last day of 2014 and the weather gods were giving us the ultimate gift to send us into the New Year, an incredibly calm Drake Passage crossing. This is what many people fear and dread about sailing to the Antarctic, the notorious rough seas of the Drake Passage. Instead we have very little wind and very calm seas.  

It was still a busy day onboard with several presentations about photography and the important briefing for our time down south in the Antarctic. In the mid-afternoon we spent time out on deck soaking in the sun, watching cape petrels, giant petrels, and even the beautiful wandering albatross swirl around the ship.  

We were even fortunate enough with these incredible calm conditions to have the Captain’s Welcome cocktail party and dinner. It was a perfect start to a festive evening of celebrating the arrival of 2015 with a fun gathering in the lounge. What a fantastic way to end the old year, and we look forward to starting the New Year with adventures in the Antarctic!