After a peaceful rest on the river bank of the Ucayali River, we woke up with the great desire to keep exploring this section of the Upper Amazon. A cool breeze was felt in our faces as we all gathered to load the skiffs.

Our first intention was to visit a small river known as Sapote. Some would explore this river by kayak while others would join the skiffs. We were about to load the skiffs when our Captain gave the alert that the river’s water level had lowered during the night and we wouldn’t be able to enter it.  

But – no problem!  Our Captain took us to an easier entrance to the Dorado River. We jumped onboard the skiff and went to explore. Kayakers also went to this entrance and explored the river banks. An over cast morning made us enjoy this river a lot more!

Flocks of cormorants, egrets, herons and jabirus were all seen by our guests. The river had plenty of food for all. All the birds were having a great feast. Everywhere we looked, nature would share something delightful.

Back on board, we navigated along the Ucayali River towards our afternoon destination. It was so sad to believe that our journey was about to finish. We enjoyed the view of birds and macaws and would miss seeing the locals in small dugout canoes run by very small engines. The life of the Upper Amazon is unique.

We soon arrived to the mouth of the Tapiche River, and as the Delfin II approached the shore, local kids showed up, curious to our presence. The Upper Amazon is not only nature, it involves the life of its people as well. What an experience!!!