After a fun-filled day exploring the fantastically biodiverse waters and culturally rich terrestrial scene at Aitutaki, guests enjoyed a lovely day of relaxation and reflection at sea. Some enjoyed stretches with Kat, our wellness specialist, while others relished a sleep-in this morning.

As our ship sailed towards Kiribati, David Cothran kicked off today’s presentations with “An Introduction to Expedition Photography.” Photography experts and novices alike learned tips and tricks for shooting on expeditions. Afterwards guests and staff separated into smaller groups to focus on specific questions and types of cameras.

Soon after, our Global Perspectives guest speaker Tim Severin elucidated a gripping tale of his voyage aboard the Brendan. Although we were in awe of Tim’s adventures from Ireland through icy waters all the way to North America, we were thankful to have the luxurious amenities aboard National Geographic Orion, such as a delicious lunch buffet prepared by our Executive Chef Lothar and the galley crew.

With bellies full of scrumptious food, guests sought to fill their minds with knowledge of coral reefs by attending undersea specialist Mike Greenfelder’s presentation, “The Base of the Tropical Ocean.” After afternoon tea, guests enjoyed a presentation by National Geographic photographer Jay Dickman. Not only did Jay capture breathtaking pictures, he also captured everyone’s attention with anecdotes about being on assignment in the midst of wars.

Everyone got dressed up this evening to enjoy a sensational sunset and the Captain’s Welcome Cocktail Party after an insightful day of presentations. Captain Lyubomir Garviyanov told us about his years at sea and background before introducing the senior officers.