National Geographic Orion and all aboard this morning were greeted to wind gusts of 40 knots and 5-meter ocean swell as we prepared for our day at sea in the South Pacific. For many, the morning was spent relaxing and making the transition from their stable and sure-footed land legs, to learning how to walk again with their newly donned sea legs. By late morning, it came time to introduce the guests to the expedition staff team and give briefings about our Zodiac, kayak, and, snorkel operations.  Snorkel gear was fitted and handed out and the scuba divers assembled to fit their gear and discuss the voyage safety expectations and dive profiles.

As the day manifested, presentations from the expedition team included “An Introduction to Digital Photography” by National Geographic-certified photo instructor Ian Strachan, “Introduction to Polynesia’s Biodiversity” by the ultimate accolade naturalist Tom Ritchie, and “On Assignment with National Geographic” by the wonderfully talented National Geographic photographer Susan Seubert.

Our day at sea was concluded with cocktails in the lounge, the Lindblad Expeditions tradition of a recapitulation of the day, and the Captain’s dinner in the dining room.