We started our day in Pavlov Harbor, which is a small cove in Freshwater Bay on Chichagof Island.  Most of us went hiking along the shore and into the forest, where we saw a dozen species of wildflowers.  We walked by a beautiful waterfall at the head of the cove, where there were some rusting parts of an old cannery.  Above the falls, we saw a small calm lake with a meadow along the shore. There was a beaver hut surrounded by trees chewed by the beaver. 

After the walk, some of us went kayaking while others went exploring around the cove in the expedition landing craft. We saw bald eagles flying overhead and harbor seals poking their heads out of the bay. There were huge sea anemones and colorful sea stars below the water. 

During the cloudy afternoon, the ship cruised south down Chatham Straight. There were snow covered mountains on both sides of this waterway, which is the longest, deepest, and straightest fjord on earth.  Various types of fishing boats occasionally went by, reminding us that southeast Alaska is home to a huge sustainable fishery.  Later in the afternoon, Andy Szabo came on board to tell us about the Alaska Whale Foundation and the wonderful work they are doing to research humpback whales.

After dinner, the National Geographic Sea Bird cruised in and around Red Bluff Bay on the east side of Baranof Island. This narrow bay was carved by glaciers into the tall mountains, including the treeless perodotite mountain that gives the bay its name. It was so narrow, that we could hear thrushes singing in the conifer forests surrounding the bay. To top it off, we saw six brown bears and a Sitka deer on the shore. This gorgeous bay was a perfect way to end such a relaxing day on Chatham Straight.

Poetry from Young Guests:

All aboard the Sea Bird                                The whales are fluking                        Alone in the wild

Lupines blooming everywhere                     Diving deep to find their food            We are insignificant

Awaiting salmon soon to spawn                  Then coming back up                          At nature’s mercy

Sea Lions jumping up and down

King of the sky hunting prey

Amazing ALASKA!                           

by John Dowd, age 8                                    Haiku by Anna Dowd, age 11          Haiku by Shane McDonald