We departed in Zodiacs at 7:45 a.m. to observe land iguanas in their natural habitat on Santa Cruz Island.  After getting the taste of salt spray on our lips, the group made a dry landing onto an exposed lava flow. The rocks were slippery and the group took their time navigating their way to the sandy beach where the trail began.

The group came across two greater flamingoes feeding in the brackish lagoon and many pictures were taken. When the group reached the habitat of the iguana, sightings occurred almost instantly. All together the group spotted more than half a dozen males and one female. One male in particular was very close to the trail and gave the group a great photo opportunity.

During the walk, naturalist Ximena gave many lectures about the history of the islands and the land iguanas. She also answered questions.

Shortly after the group arrived on the National Geographic Endeavour from the walk, the group departed again to go snorkeling. The snorkeling site was located around one of the Guy Fawkes Islets. The sun was hiding behind the clouds and the waves were very dark, but there were plenty of fish and sea stars to see. The group also saw a lobster. All together it was a very exciting and active day.