And our adventure begins!

After a restful night on our very comfortable floating home the Delfin II, we woke up, very eager to start our first day of exploration in the Upper Amazon of Peru.

Here in the tropics, where the temperature and humidity can get high, we do like nature does. We start early! So before breakfast we stopped briefly by the coffee station and then jumped into our skiffs to explore one of the tributaries of the Amazon, the Yanayacu River.

Our skiffs easily maneuvered through the narrow sections of the Yanayacu River, under the expert hands of our skiff drivers. And the Amazon guides at the front of each skiff quickly started locating wildlife hidden inside the dense lush forest.

We were all truly amazed on how skillful our guides were on finding seemingly impossible-to-see creatures.

After our morning skiff outing we returned to our ship to enjoy a delicious Peruvian breakfast served in the dining room.

Later in the morning after a great meal and some rest, we prepared to explore the rainforest by foot, fitted in rubber boots (provided to us by our helpful crew) we walked to the adjacent forest.

Escorted by our expert guides to do all of the interpretation, we walked slowly along the trails under the shade of the thick forest canopy. We learned a lot about how the tropical rainforest works, while seeing it in person. And we had some very close encounters with some of its inhabitants. Sloths, boas, anacondas, and others.

A superb first day in the jungles of the Amazon.