First day in the Amazon and everyone loves it - from beginning to end.

Our day started with a skiff expedition, an early but amazing way to begin our journey, for a couple hours we got the chance to get our first taste of this beautiful area. Just after the sunrise, we were welcomed by all kinds of birds that were literally posing for us.

The morning was just starting and right after our breakfast we were on the go, ahead of us was our first walk in the amazon jungle. Three-toed Sloth, colorful insects, amazing trees and the famous poison-dart frogs were just a few of the many creatures that we got to discover at the Casual Trail.

The day continued with a delicious lunch served in the panoramic dining room, where we were able to enjoy the view and spot gray dolphins that were following our ship.

In the afternoon we couldn’t resist the beautiful weather and got on the skiffs again, this time to visit the Pucate-Yanayacu Rivers, another great outing with squirrel monkeys, gray and pink dolphins, egrets, parrots, herons, and so much more to discover. Finally back at the Delfin II we all gathered in the lounge to share our experiences and enjoy a welcome cocktail, just the perfect way to end a perfect day.